Heath & Fitness: Kickstart Fat Loss

Everyone is always looking for the “magic bullet” when it comes to losing weight, but getting started is actually very simple.  If you’re ready to fire up your metabolism, try this: for one month, eat only food you prepare. Now, by “prepare” I don’t mean “open the package and heat in the microwave” – I mean cook it yourself from base ingredients.  Don’t eat out, don’t buy pre-packaged meals, and don’t hit the vending machines for 28 days – it won’t be easy but if you commit 100%, it will be worth it. ....................

Follow along weekly for your tips on health and fitness, brought to you by Innovative Fitness Langley: Guy Demong and Sasha Myers are strength and conditioning specialists at Innovative Fitness.  Email them at langley@innovativefitness.com for a free consultation!